Welcome to the online home of the Illinois Women's Soccer League

 Wed Apr 24th 12:00pm

IWSL      Spring 2024

 Important Information

The use of mobile passes should be limited to situations where hard copy or printed player/coach passes are lost or forgotten prior to a game check-in.  With the ability of clubs to print their own passes the times mobile passes are needed should be minimal.     1 day ago

Click here for instructions to PRINT YOUR OWN PASSES.     15 days ago

Process for listing guest players on gamecards:  When processing a gamecard a list of available players from within your club will be listed who meet IWSL Guest Player rules (same age or lower and not on a higher age/level team).  You then can choose your guest players from the listing within the maximum number allowed per age group.  You cannot hand write in any guest players on the gamecard except for an authorized guest player from the YSSL who can be listed by hand.  With this procedure we will now require that both the Home team and Visiting team bring a completed gamecard for presentation to the referee.  Accordingly, failure to bring a completed gamecard will mean that a team cannot use any guest players at the game.     1 day ago



click here for info on linking to the league site.



Spring 2024 scores & standings

Scores, Standing, Schedules


 Upcoming Events

none                   League RSS feed



 IWSL Apps

The apps for Android and IOS are no longer available. You can, however, use a streamlined mobile app and get the same experience. For more information click the link below.

IWSL mobile site info



Chicago Fire Tickets
   click for info





